
Exploring the realms of artificial intelligence

discovering applications and technologies that are transforming our lives.


haiunit Individual AI Empowerment Package

Target Audience: This package is designed for entrepreneurs, students, hobbyists, or professionals looking to leverage AI for personal projects, learning, or career advancement.

Included Services:

  • AI Readiness Assessment
  • Personalized AI Learning Plan
  • Access to haiunit AI Toolset (Basic Version)
  • Monthly 1-on-1 Consultation Calls (1 hour each)
  • Email Support
  • Access to Community Forums and Webinars

Pricing Strategy: As this package targets individuals who may have budget constraints, a cost-effective pricing model is essential.

haiunit Business AI Transformation Package

Target Audience: Small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) looking to integrate AI into their operations to increase efficiency and customer satisfaction or unlock new opportunities.

Included Services:

  • Business AI Needs Analysis
  • Custom AI Strategy Development
  • haiunit AI Toolset (Professional Version)
  • Quarterly Business Review and Strategy Adjustments
  • Priority Email and Chat Support
  • AI Implementation Support (up to 10 hours/month)
  • Access to Exclusive Industry Reports and Insights

Pricing Strategy: This package should be priced to reflect the value delivered to businesses which can afford a higher price point than individuals.

haiunit Expert AI Innovation Package

Target Audience: Large corporations, AI experts, or tech companies seeking cutting-edge AI solutions, complex implementations, or industry-leading expertise.

Included Services:

  • In-depth AI Ecosystem Analysis
  • Advanced AI Strategy and Roadmap Planning
  • haiunit AI Toolset (Enterprise Edition)
  • Dedicated AI Consultant and Technical Support Team
  • Monthly Innovation Workshops and Training Sessions
  • Custom AI Model Development and Deployment
  • Real-time Analytics and Performance Reporting
  • VIP Support and Account Management

Pricing Strategy: Aimed at clients who expect the highest level of service and bespoke solutions, this package demands a premium price.